27/02/2023  •   6 min read  

Amazon Best Seller: Top 7 Tools To Scrape Data From Amazon


Amazon is the most popular retailer in the world, with more than 100 million products listed on its website. To sell those products, you need data.

It has a lot of data about its customers and their buying habits. But that information is locked up behind the paywalls of Amazon's various private-label brands — everything from electronics to clothing and food.

Fortunately, there is a way to access this valuable data without paying for it: Scrape it yourself! Here are our top picks that can help you scrape the data from Amazon.

You Can Extract Various Data From Amazon


Amazon is an excellent resource for business owners, digital marketers, and product managers. It is one of the most popular places to find items people seek. You can extract product price, name, a direct link to the product, subcategory, category, links to categories, and a thumbnail. This Data gives a complete overview of what product placement looks like on Amazon.

Benefits of Scraping Data From Amazon Best Seller


The benefits of scraping data from Amazon Best Seller are numerous. Not only do you get access to the most popular products out there, but you can also see how well they are selling and what other products are selling best overall.

This gives you a good idea of which products suit your product lines better. You can also see what kind of competition you have in your niche.

You can use this information to help determine which products might be more profitable than others and what keywords people use to find similar products on Amazon.

This information will create a more effective campaign by targeting the right customers with the right product at the right price point, creating better results and more sales per dollar spent.

Is Scraping Amazon Legal?


Scraping Amazon is legal, but only if you are a registered business. If you work for a company that sells goods on Amazon or has an account you use to sell on the site, you can make money from it.

Only registered businesses can make money off of their products and services. This means that if you have a business that sells goods and services on Amazon, you can only make money from those products and services.

If this sounds like something that could help your business, there are some things to remember before taking advantage of this opportunity.

Top 7 Tools To Scrape Data From Amazon

1. Apify


Apify helps you scrape data from Amazon.com, including its e-commerce web pages and API. You can scrape any tables in the public Amazon data API v3. Apify works by scraping any language supported by the AWS SDKs, which includes Python, Java, and Ruby. You can use Apify with tools like Selenium to test your code on an Amazon website.

Key Features

  • Auto Extraction
  • Data Import & Export
  • Web Data Extraction
  • Third-Party Integration
  • IP Address Extraction
  • API

2. Oxylabs


Oxylabs is a tool that scrapes data from the Amazon API. It can be used for any website, but it is beneficial for web scraping service from websites with many products and categories. Moreover, Oxylabs' built-in proxy rotator, JavaScript rendering, and other smart solutions can ensure a quick and reliable data extraction process.

Key Features

  • Auto Extraction
  • Data import and export
  • IP Address Extraction
  • Pricing Extraction
  • Reporting/Analytics
  • Web Data Extraction

3. Scraper API


The Scraper API is an open-source library that allows you to scrape the Amazon website, search for specific products, and retrieve their details. It is an effortless way to get started and comes with an extensive list of parameters to customize your scraping.

Key Features

  • Offers Google Sheets API support
  • Offers Google Sheets API support
  • Extract data from HTML Tables, and the Amazon website
  • Export your file in JSON, and CSV
  • Geolocated rotating proxies
  • Offers unparalleled speed and reliability

4. ScrapingBee


ScrapingBee is an Amazon best sellers data scraping tool. It allows you to scrape all the information about your favorite products from Amazon, including sales rank, price, number of reviews, and more. Moreover, it offers an easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface for creating your scraping requests. You can adjust parameters like the maximum number of results per request and the time interval between scraping requests.

Key Features

  • Provides automatic proxy rotation
  • Supports IP Rotation, Geolocating, CAPTCHA solving, and Javascript Rendering
  • Support Google search scraping
  • Export your file in JSON, XML, and CSV
  • Easily extract data from Websites, Google pages, and web

5. Bright Data


Bright Data is a web scraping tool used to extract data from websites. It can scrape web pages, APIs, and other resources. It has an intuitive UI where you can drag & drop the content you want to scrape into the interface and then click the Scrape button. Once you have scraped your content, you can choose to save it as a .txt file or import it into excel.

Key Features

  • Export your file in CSV, Email, HTML, JSON, and API
  • Most flexible (premade solutions, scalable, customizable)
  • Most reliable (highest quality data, better uptime, faster data, better support)
  • Most efficient (no-code solutions, fewer resources )
  • Helps extract data from a pool of information, a wide variety of sources, and web pages

6. Scrapy


Scrapy is a Python-based web scraping framework that allows you to extract data from websites easily. It can be used to scrape data from multiple websites in parallel, and it has a built-in browser for visualizing the data you extract. It is easy to use, and many add-ons available for Scrapy.

Key Features

  • Built-in support for selecting and extracting data from HTML/XML
  • Robust encoding support and auto-detection
  • Flexible and intuitive user interface
  • Easy-to-use API documentation
  • Import data from Excel, CSV, or other formats
  • Export data to CSV and other text formats

7. Web Scraping API


Web Scraping API is a free and open-source tool that makes getting data from any website easy. The API enables you to scrape websites, extract all the needed data, and store it in your database.

The Web Scraping API makes scraping websites faster and easier than ever before. It allows you to query multiple websites simultaneously with just one request, streamlining the data extraction process.

Key Features

  • Data Aggregation and Publishing
  • Web Data Extraction
  • Auto Extraction
  • Data Import/Export
  • Pricing Extraction

Final Thought

The Amazon Best Seller tool is an essential tool for any Amazon seller. It helps you analyze and optimize your listings, sales, and product descriptions to gain more sales on the site. In addition, it also helps provide you with a detailed report on how many products are selling, how many sales they got, and which ones generate the most revenue.

You can also use this tool to find out what keywords your Competitor price monitoring are ranking for on Amazon. This will help you identify new keywords to target, which will ultimately help you increase your profit margins.

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