31/07/2023  •   6 min read  

Amazon Product Data: How To Scrape Using Python


What Is Web Scraping Amazon Product Data?

Web scraping Amazon product data refers to automatically extracting product information on Amazon. It involves using a web scraping tool or programming language like Python.

Web scraping Amazon product data can be helpful for various purposes, such as price monitoring, product research, and data analysis. For example, businesses can use this technique to track their competitors' prices and adjust their pricing strategy accordingly. Researchers can also use web scraping to collect consumer behavior and trends data.

Why Scrape Amazon Product Data?

Amazon is one of the largest e-commerce platforms in the world. You can keep your product catalogs up-to-date and optimize your advertising campaign. And scraping product data can provide valuable insights into market trends, popular products, and customer preferences.

Moreover, by scraping Amazon product data, you can track your product pricing and that of your competitors. Hence, you can make informed decisions.

Scraping Product Details From Amazon

Several types of product details can be scraped from Amazon, including:

  • Product name
  • Product Description
  • Product Image URL
  • Product reviews
  • Product rating
  • Product price
  • Product availability
  • Product features and specifications
  • Product category and subcategory
  • Seller information (name, rating, location)
  • Sales rank
  • Brand and manufacturer information
  • Shipping details (weight, dimensions, shipping options)
  • Related products and recommendations

These are just a few product details that can be scraped from Amazon. The specific details that can be scraped may vary depending on the product and the country-specific version of Amazon. However, it is essential to note that scraping Amazon's data is subject to their terms of use and scraping policies and should be done ethically and responsibly.

Scrape Amazon Product Data Using Python


Python is a powerful and popular programming language often used for web scraping. In this tutorial, we will cover the basics of how to use Python to scrape Amazon product data. Here's an overview of the steps involved:

Step 1 : Install the necessary libraries.

To start, you must install the necessary Python libraries for web scraping. Two popular libraries for web scraping are BeautifulSoup and Request. Install libraries using pip:

pip install beautifulsoup4

pip install request

Step 2 : Import Libraries

By using the above code, you can import the necessary libraries as follows:

import libraries

Step 3 : Identify the target URL

Next, you must identify the Amazon product page you want to scrape. You can do this by navigating to the product page on Amazon's website and copying the URL.

Identify the target URL

response = requests.get("https://www.amazon.in/Apple-iPhone-13-128GB-Product/dp/B09G99CW2N/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=375RGYSBF0T0V&keywords=iphone+13&qid=1682924781&sprefix=i%2Caps%2C229&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1") print(response.status_code)

After running this code, you will see the status code 200. Let's parse the response's content using BeautifulSoup to ensure everything functions properly.

soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser') print(soup.get_text())

If you are fortunate, you can get an HTML of the web page, but most likely, you see something like this:

Identify the target URL1

Let’s examine what happened here. It is evident that Amazon has blocked the script, and a CAPTCHA page has been displayed to prevent you from accessing the product using a script. Nevertheless, this should not stop you--there are alternative approaches to get past this roadblock, and we will explore them in the next section.

How to Avoid Detection Using Headers

To avoid detection by BOT or CAPTCHA, use a User Agent Header with the request. Use the developer tools in your web browser to get this header. Websites frequently use these headers to identify the type of browser being used. Follow these steps to access them:

To identify the user agent of a website:

  • Open the Chrome browser and navigate to the Amazon product page.
  • Right-click on the page and select Inspect to open the developer tools.
  • Click on the Network tab and refresh the page (F5 or Ctrl+R).

Then click on the first item in the list of requests in the Network tab.

Last, but not least, click on the first request listed in the Network tab, then use its value as follows:

How to Avoid Detection Using Headers

Once you use this script, the correct product page HTML will start generating.

Start Scraping Amazon Product Page Information

You need to know where to find the components you want to extract from the data before you can start scraping it. These components can be located by looking at the page's structure with developer tools like FireBug. We'll take the title and price from a product listing for this tutorial.

Select Product Title

To find the title of your product, use developer tools and select the title with your cursor. Then right-click on it and choose Inspect. It would help if you got a window that looks like this:

Select Product Title

Now, to scrape the product page title, instruct the BeautifulSoup the following code:


Scrape Product Price

To find the product price, follow the same process as above. And when you do that, you will find the price details in a span tag.

Store the Data

Finally, once you have all the information, you can store the extracted data in a suitable format, such as a CSV file or a database. To do that, follow the below.

4 Major Benefits of Scraping Amazon Product Data

Web scraping Amazon product data can offer several benefits for businesses and individuals looking to make informed decisions based on the data. Here are four significant benefits of scraping Amazon product data:

Competitor Analysis

Amazon is one of the largest online marketplaces in the world. And scraping product data can help businesses keep track of their competitors. You can also use web scraping to collect various data like reviews, prices, etc. This information can help you make informed decisions.

Price Monitoring

Scraping Amazon product data can help you monitor prices and price changes in real time. This is especially useful if you sell products on Amazon or other online marketplaces, as you can adjust your prices to remain competitive.

Market Research

Scraping Amazon product data can help you gain valuable insights. By analyzing the insights, you can identify which products are popular, what features are essential to customers, and how prices affect sales.

Product Development

Scraping Amazon product data can provide valuable insights for product development. By analyzing these insights, you can identify common complaints and suggestions for improvement.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, using Python to scrape Amazon product data can be a robust data analysis and research tool. Remember to always respect Amazon's terms of service when scraping their website. Additionally, you can expand on this basic framework to add additional functionality or to scrape different websites altogether. With Python, the possibilities are endless.

Web Scraping

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